Monday, October 31, 2011

Unarmed Defense During the Zombie Apocalypse

One of the most lethal enemies the martial arts practitioner may face is the undead zombie. Whether they are magically reanimated or the result of a biological infection, the zombie is a dangerous killing machine that does not feel fear or intimidation and can end a life with as little as a scratch.

When faced with the zombie apocalypse, the skills the karateka has developed can give him the edge he needs to survive. While armed and unarmed combat skills will be intermittently useful; focus, environmental awareness, and the ability to stay centered and calm are all vastly more important and crucial to avoid succumbing to the infected hordes. Just as in a "normal" self defense situation, when confronted with zombies the follower of the Way must keep his cool or risk losing his head. In any potentially dangerous environment, awareness and avoidance are ninety-nine percent of survival. Watching for the presence of the Walkers, avoiding being cornered or trapped in inescapable spaces, and being prepared ahead of time will prevent the survivor from having to resort to violence except as a last resort.

But when surrounded by vicious, hungry, mindless predators bent on devouring all human flesh, there will be times when there is nothing to do but fight to survive. And in those times there are specific fighting techniques and approaches best suited to the unique aspects of fighting the infected. If at all possible, the practitioner should be armed at all times. Whether with projectile, blade and point, or impact weapons, no human wants to face the horde with his bare hands. When faced with more than one zombie, run. Always run. Fighting multiple opponents is inherently dangerous, but against the undead it is even more so. You simply can't risk being tied up with one zombie while another bites you. But should you find yourself squaring off against a single zombie, with no weapons at hand, your response must be disciplined and guided by some foundational principles of zombie fighting.

The first and most important thing to remember when fighting zombies is that it only takes one bite to kill you. Let me repeat that. It only takes one bite. What's more, due to their insatiable hunger, zombies will attempt to eat you with a single minded ferocity unlike that of any human opponent you may ever face. This precludes most grappling techniques because while you are trying to apply your joint lock or control position, the zombie will be rabidly snapping at your tender flesh with the rotted, yellow shards of its broken teeth. Joint locks are also unlikely to be effective because the zombie opponent won't feel the pain the techniques apply, and their brittle bones and muscles are likely to break and rip, allowing the zombie to turn into locking techniques which would normally provide positional advantage and once more bringing the practitioner within range of the zombie's deadly bite. Additionally, the absence of pain or fear may give the undead superior strength, allowing them to overwhelm the average human during any wrestling match.

This means that the survivors must rely primarily on impact striking against zombies, and the primary target for those strikes should be the zombie's head. In a world where dead doesn't always mean down the only way to dispatch a zombie is to do significant traumatic damage to the brain. Unfortunately, that means you have to put your body within the natural range of the zombies greatest weapon, its mouth. Because of this, the practitioner must strike quickly from oblique and unpredictable angles, and recover his weapons before his opponent is able to react. Initiating the action and staying ahead of the zombie's O.O.D.A. Loop will give the practitioner the ability to control the combat engagement and make decisions while forcing the zombie to try to "catch up" to his movements. Secondary targets for striking would be the knees, which due to their decomposing state are likely to collapse easily when encountering destructive force thereby limiting the zombie's mobility, and the spine which could limit the zombie's ability to locomote entirely by preventing bio-electrical signals from what remains of the brain reaching the limbs.

Defensively, the ability to deflect and redirect the zombie's force and line of action will give the practitioner the ability to use position to his advantage. Combined with effective footwork, the survivor will be capable of moving to the zombie's obscure zone and create opportunities to strike or escape. Preferably escape. Simple sweeps and takedowns can also be used to put the zombies on the ground, in range of finishing techniques such as head stomps and hammering downward strikes to the base of the skull.

Simple defensive techniques which can be applied to zombie assaults include,

1. Deflecting Outward Blocks followed by High Line Striking Counters.
2. Windmill Parry to Outside Position followed by Side Thrust Kick to the back of the knee to bring the zombie to the ground followed by a Stomp Finish to the head.
3. Lead Leg Pulling Sweep to bring the zombie to the ground followed by Front Thrust Kick to the head.

At all times the first goal is DON'T GET BIT, the second goal is ESCAPE, and the third goal is FINISH. By focusing on this force continuum, the karateka will increase his overall chances to survive.

Remember these basic rules, and you will be one of the few who live to face the unending horror that is the zombie apocalypse.

1. Never assume. Dead isn't down. It only takes one bite. Don't take risks.
2. Never go unarmed. Always have a weapon, and a back up weapon. Don't waste time with strikes that won't incapacitate or kill.
3. Never wander off alone. Never leave the group without telling anyone where you are going. There is strength in numbers. You may need someone to pull the Walkers off of you if they get their hands on you.
4. Run first. Run second. Strike only to create an opportunity to escape. Surviving the zombie apocalypse isn't about face or pride or ego. It's about survival. Live to run another day.
5. When confronted with a zombie, strike instead of grapple. When grappled with a zombie, disengage and change positions. When striking a zombie, attack from an unexpected angle and recover the weapon quickly.
6. The only targets that matter are those which can affect the zombie's ability to locomote or aggress. Namely, the brain, the spine, and the legs. The zombie can not feel fear or intimidation or pain, so don't waste time trying to hurt him. Fight only when you must, and when you must, with utmost seriousness.

Those are the basic rules of zombie combat. There is far more to learn about how to use weapons and tools during the zombie apocalypse, how to engage the horde versus engaging individual Walkers, how to move and escape and avoid notice, and how to store resources and establish "safe" zones. But the basic concepts contained herein should give you a place to start. As with all karate techniques, the only way to develop real skill is through diligent and disciplined training. Practice morning and night and you will be uniquely prepared for when, uh, I mean, if, the zombie apocalypse occurs.

Happy Halloween!

Beginner: Group activity. Stand in the middle of a circle of opponents. Have them advance on you, one at a time, with their arms outstretched. Practice deflecting their arms using wedge guard positions and redirecting them in to each other.

Intermediate: Practice your techniques on the body. During each technique, have the uke attempt to bite you continuously. Learn when and where you are vulnerable to such counters, and practice manipulating the opponent's position with position checks, lockout striking, and control maneuvers to cancel his ability to dine on your mortal flesh.

Advanced: Group activity. Have a group of five to ten opponents representing the zombie horde pursue you around the training room floor. Practice evasion and multiple opponent strategies such as Lining and Grouping to isolate individual Walkers. Control and finish one at a time until you either survive or are bitten and turned.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

The Tao of Focus

Doctor Jerry Lynch is a teacher, lecturer, and author, and the founder of the Tao Center for Human Performance. Using the concepts of Taoism that he learned from the Tao Te Ching, Dr. Lynch has developed a unique approach to athletic performance that he has used to successfully coach thousands of professional, Olympic collegiate, and recreational athletes from a number of disciplines. The goal of his approach, "TaoSport," is to help people to enjoy sports and life "more fully and to reach the levels of extraordinary performance of which we are all capable."  Together with Chaungliang Al Huang, a renowned educator, philosopher, performance artist, and T'ai chi ch'uan Master, he has written a book describing this approach. Thinking Body, Dancing Mind uses passages from the Tao Te Ching to help teach concepts crucial to successful athletic performance such as Relaxation, Simplicity, Balance, and Motivation.

While the book focuses specifically on how these concepts can be applied to both sport and life, many of the same lessons have clear applications to our study of self defense. In the chapter Focusing, he discusses the importance of being "present minded" and not allowing distraction to inhibit performance. Whether in training or in combat, the practitioner must not allow his mind to stray from the task at hand. A moment's hesitation or distraction could lead to injury, or to death. When confronted with an opponent intent on doing us harm, we must not be preoccupied with the challenges of our work life or the frustrations of the day. Only by focusing on the task at hand can the karate practitioner achieve victory; in life, in sport, or in self defense.

Dr. Lynch ends each chapter with exercises the reader can use to aid in his study and practice. I have included some of those below to aid you in developing Focus.

Pg. 59

Hold on to the ancient Tao
Control the current reality.

TAO TE CHING   no. 14

"When Soren, a sixty-four-year-old ultra-distance runner, reached the finish line of the Western States 100-miler, a reporter asked him how someone his age runs a hundred miles. Soren replied, "I don't run a hundred miles; I run one mile-a hundred times." By focusing on one mile at a time, Soren can go the distance. If he focused on the whole distance, the mere thought of such a task would distract and fatigue him.

Focus your thoughts and your actions on one small aspect of the present, and you will create personal power. Giving full attention to the present moment is energizing and enables you to control the current reality. You must be present in order to win. For athletes, focusing on the moment is key to the Beginner's Mind for achievement.

Olympic medalist swimmer Dara Torres has stated, "Luck isn't what makes the difference when competition is really close. It boils down to who is more 'on' that day, who has the focus, the will to win at that moment."

Centering is the thought process of understanding how every aspect of your game contributes to your overall development and growth as an athlete and person. It is a kind of concentration that is all-encompassing. Focusing, by contrast, is the process of narrowing your concentration in order to eliminate specific unproductive or distracting occurrences. It is a method of fine-tuning your span of attention so that you stay in the moment, in the here and now.

You can focus on that backhand volley you missed, on the strike you looked at, on the pass you dropped in the end zone, on the shot you blew at the buzzer, on your failure to surge the last two hundred meters of the race, on the putt you almost made. You can focus on past and upcoming problems forever. But this will only put pressure on you and impede your concentration on the next move, play, or shot you make. The only way to make something positive happen is to focus on the present moment.

Concentrate on what you have control over. You can't control your competitors, or your teammates, or the weather, or the crowd. But you do have control over your own performance. As former Olympic diver and now coach Janet Ely-Lagourge has said, "All too often we get wrapped up in the pressure, and suddenly it's not fun anymore."

Developing the power to devote full attention to the present is one of the most valuable Beginner's Mind skills. Athletes who perform optimally are totally engaged in the moment. Their effectiveness is directly related to how well they focus on being present. In his book The Tao of Leadership, John Heider says, "expeditions into distant lands of one's mind...distract from what is happening. By staying can do less yet achieve more."

Mark Allen, one of the greatest triathletes ever to compete, has said that it's a mistake to focus on how much more there is to go when doing the Ironman Triathlon. He attributes much of his success to focusing on the moment-to giving his attention to his form, stride, and breath. He focuses on his reasons for doing the race, on why he is here on the Big Island of Hawaii competing in this ultra-event, on his deep urge to move and run. By focusing on the joy of movement, you take yourself deeper in to the present moment, down into your motivation, and past any fleeting distractions and discomforts.

Single-mindedness accompanies excellence. We all have varying degrees of concentration. But with the Beginner's Mind, visualization and mediation processes can train you to develop greater powers of attention. No one can maintain this state for very long periods of time, but you can learn to focus to provide yourself with the proper mental environment to develop your athletic skills rapidly. You can learn to discipline a wandering mind that diminishes your performance through distraction and diversion of energy."

It is of great importance to achieve an inner peace
which will allow you to act in harmony with the times...
Hold your thoughts to the present...Actions that
spring from this attitude will be appropriate.

                               I CHING   no. 52

Drills -
Visualization: Imagine yourself playing in an upcoming event. Visualize yourself as clearly as possible, participating as you would hope. Simulate, in your mind's eye, various distractions; noise from the crowd, a bad call from the referee, an obnoxious play by the opponent. As these distractions occur to you, tell them that they can stay if they wish or step aside and leave, but you must immediately attend to your play, or performance. Imagine yourself dismissing them, that they have left. Focus your vision on the ball or road or slope or water itself. See its shape and texture. Look for the writing between the seams of the ball (or in the cool air or water). See the ball spin, feel it in your hands. Stay focused on this image for two minutes, no matter how difficult it is. Practice this exercise twice a day. The object need not be a ball; the image of any significant, tangible object related to your sport will do.

Affirmations for Focusing: Choose any of the following affirmations, or create your own to repeat during those times when distraction sets in before or during an event::
  • "I stay in the here and now, so I'll take a bow."
  • "Think less, achieve more."
  • "Single-mindedness creates happiness."
  • "Like a child at play, I ask my mind to stay."
  • "Focus, focus, focus, focus."
  • "Follow through, and I am true."
Exercise for Focus: This is an easy, quick way to strengthen your ability to focus and be present in the moment, in the Beginner's Mind. Stare at the candle at the base of the flame (do not stare directly at the light) while you focus on your present feelings. Exclude all other thoughts. Just focus your body and mind on your sensations. If your mind wanders, bring it back to the present moment and feelings by saying, "At this very moment, the candle flame and I are the center of life. I focus on the brilliant light that enables me to feel peaceful and calm. That is all there is in this moment."

Monday, October 17, 2011

The Most Important Part of Karate

Knowledge is of no value unless you put it into practice.
Anton Chekhov
There is a moment during our belt ceremony where we place our old belt next to our new one to form the shape of the letter “L.” L stands for learning. That's what we do in the karate school. We learn about the art, we learn about the body, we learn about ourselves. And one of the most important things we learn is that learning alone is not enough. We must train to improve. We must practice.
The difference between knowledge and skill is practice.
Holly Marie Simmers
In the kenpo system we have a complex curriculum of techniques, sets, and forms. You will also learn a large number of drills and exercises to aid in your training. But it is not enough to simply know the material. Memorized physical movements are insufficient to the development of real skill. You could read the written curriculum and commit every move and counter and principle to memory, but what we do is more than words on a page. It is more even than the movement of the body. The method only exists in the practice. Only when you are actually standing on the training floor working with the material are you truly a karate practitioner. And only by practicing your karate will you be able to transcend the mere regurgitation of memorized performances and gain the ability to truly and spontaneously express what you have learned.
Knowledge unused tends to drop out of mind. Knowledge used does not need to be remembered.
Henry Hazlitt
You can not become skilled by knowing the movements. You can not win a fight by understanding how techniques are supposed to work. It is true that one must understand the principles in order to be effective. But principle alone is not enough. When Takuan wrote to Munenori he said, “Technique and principle are just like the two wheels of a cart.” And you only develop technique through constant and rigorous practice.
Practice isn't the thing you do when you're good. It's the thing you do that makes you good.
Malcolm Gladwell
And in the case of karate, we are training to face an opponent. Specifically with regards to the karate we practice here, we are training for a life or death situation. Yes, we are practicing the development of the self and the internal journey towards enlightenment and constant improvement. Yes, the ultimate goal is never to have to use kenpo to fight. Yes, the enemies we will face most often are the ones within. But the Way we follow is that of true combat. It is not the Way of the athlete or the Way of the dancer. It is the Way of the warrior. Our style is one that seeks and teaches truth in combat against another human being. And should we ever be forced to face another, skill against skill alone, it will only be our dedication to practice which gives us any chance to survive such an encounter.
When you are not practicing, remember, someone somewhere is practicing, and when you meet him he will win.
Ed Macauley
Karate is not easy. It is not a thing to be done by half measures. It is a Way without an end, a lifelong journey towards ability and understanding and no matter how long or how diligently you train, you will never, ever, finish learning. You may stop some day, but it will not be because you are done. And every day between now and then, while you continue practicing, you will continue improving. There is no technique that you can do enough times that you would not get better by doing it once more. There is no form or throw or combination that you will ever master to the point that you have nothing more to gain from one more repetition. Each time you step on the training floor with purpose you grow. Each time you step off the training floor you have become more than you were. That is the path you are on. Every step is a step up. No matter how good you are, or how bad you are, or how long it has been since your last class, every time you practice, you progress.
If you train hard, you'll not only be hard, you'll be hard to beat.
Herschel Walker
Karate is hard. It is a constant challenge. Every student who has ever begun his training in the martial arts, every champion, every Master, began as a white belt. And every time he learned a new technique, no matter how long he had trained, he began again as a beginner. There is no skill you will ever learn that you don't have to do for the first time first. But that is also the promise of karate. That it works. That training makes you better. That it really is worth it. Every class. Every repetition. Every tired muscle. Every bruise. Every bead of sweat. Every drop of blood. It is all towards something. You can't always see it. But you're always getting better. Every time you throw a punch. Every time you block a kick. Every time you show up and dress out. The only difference between you and your instructors is the amount of classes they've attended. There is no place in karate that you can not go. If you strive. If you work hard. If you practice, day and night, with utmost seriousness.
I know you've heard it a thousand times before. But it's true, hard work pays off. If you want to be good, you have to practice, practice, practice.
Ray Bradbury
There are no shortcuts in karate. There is no secret other than this. Practice, and you will improve. Understand that there is nothing we do more important than actually doing karate. Every question you'll ever have can be answered on the training room floor. Every academic debate or stylistic difference or training paradigm is settled without question by what happens on the mats. Everything else is distraction. There is only the practice. That is all karate is. It is not what you think or believe or want it to be. It is only what you do.
If someone asked me what a human being ought to devote the maximum of his time to, I would answer, "Training." Train more than you sleep.
Masutatsu Oyama

Beginner: Practice each of your basic techniques 10 times on each side in the air, on the pads or shield, and on the body. Remember the F.A.S.P. training model. Form. Accuracy. Speed. Power. The more you do something correctly, the faster and more powerfully you will be able to do it. Speed and Power come from Form and Accuracy, there can be no other way.

Intermediate: Practice each of your techniques 10 times each in the air and on the body. Practice slowly, making every strike, every stance, every movement precise. Then practice it as fast as you can do it correctly. If you make a mistake, slow down, and begin again. There is no hurry. You will never be done, no matter how fast you go, and trying to rush now will only result in sloppy performance. Haste makes waste.

Advanced: Practice each of your patterns 10 times each in the air with your eyes open and your eyes closed. Pay attention to how every movement affects every other part of your body. The more exhausted and sore you become, the more your body will speak to you. You will learn how moving your arm affects muscles in your shoulders, back, buttocks, hips, legs, and feet. You will learn how even the smallest changes in orientation cause changes in balance and force you to adjust your stance and position. The body is the instrument. Listen to it. Let it be your teacher. Do not argue with the lessons your body is trying to convey.

Monday, October 10, 2011

The Martial Arts and Moral Education

Yang Jwing-Ming is a certified Kung Fu Master. In addition to earning a Ph.D., Yang Jwing-Ming has training in several Chinese systems of both internal and external martial arts.

Dr. Yang began training martial arts at the age of 15 under his White Crane master, Grandmaster Gseng, Gin-Gsao. Dr. Yang also studied Tai Chi under Grandmaster Kao, Tao. During his time at Tamkang College, Dr. Yang began to also train Long Fist under Grandmaster Li, Mao-Ching.

Dr. Yang has been involved in Chinese Kung Fu since 1961. He has taught for more than 40 years: 7 years in Taiwan, 5 years at Purdue University, 2 years in Houston, and 26 years in Boston. He has taught seminars all around the world, sharing his knowledge of Chinese martial arts and Qigong.

His 1982 Book, Shaolin Long Fist Kung Fu is an excellent introduction to the forms, techniques, and training methods of that traditional Chinese style of fighting. Its step by step instructions, numerous photographs, and in depth descriptions of movements and applications gives the reader a thorough education in the beginner and intermediate aspects of the art. But to many martial artists, the most valuable part of the book may be contained in the opening pages, where Dr. Yang describes the most important requirement for achieving true martial ability.

Page 9

"In Chinese society it is common for parents to send their children to receive formal training in martial arts. For the Western parent this may seem unusual because they think of martial arts as somehow encouraging violence. But for the Chinese parent the exact opposite is true martial arts is a way to train the child in good habits of mind and body. The Chinese community in general, and Chinese martial society in particular, have always believed morality to be an integral part of Wu Su [martial technique].

To understand the proper relation of morality to Kung Fu, two important points must be introduced. The first, and the most important fact in Kung Fu is that the level of achievement of any martial artist is directly dependent on his morality. If the martial artist is a bad person, then his ability can only reach certain limited levels, if the martial artist is a good person, then there is no real limit to what he can achieve.

This idea is admittedly strange to many Westerners. In the West an athlete such as a football or baseball player may be a heavy drinker, take drugs, engage in malicious actions and act immaturely, and yet it is believed that such overall behavior will in no way reflect on the athlete's actual or potential abilities. The Chinese martial artists obviously does not subscribe to the philosophy.

The second point relates to the defining of morality. some people hold the notion that morality is merely restricted to restraining themselves from stealing, lying, cheating, and other negative acts. For the Chinese martial artist such simple restraints are not enough. Morality for the Kung Fu practitioner is a total way of acting and thinking; morality, as a condition of life, is lived every second in thought and deed. If the martial artist is working, talking, playing, eating, or doing a thousand other activities, his way of being or morality is constantly a part of his character. In the actual training and mechanics of morality two categories are taught to every student; the morality of action and the morality of mind. These categories reflect the dual development of deed and thought.

The morality of action may be defined as how the martial artists should behave outwardly to the world. Five important traits compose the morality of action; they are humility, respect, righteousness, trust, and loyalty. The student should commit these ideals to memory. At this point let us being with humility.

In China there is a saying, "humility gains and pride loses." When a person is humble he admits, in a sense, that there exists something above him, or at the moment something beyond his reach. This attitude when closely examined is the foundation for all learning. If a student felt adequate and satisfied (pride) with what he had learned, then the ability to reach out beyond his scope would be destroyed. By being humble, the martial artist realizes that what he knows is next to nothing; there is always a gap to fill in by constant learning and practice. In this way "humility gains" by instilling in the martial artist the understanding that he is incomplete in his ability and thus must keep striving for perfection. The final outcome is a better martial artist in mind and ability.

From the above it is easy to see why "pride loses." Pride creates a feeling of satisfaction and adequacy. A mental block is created by giving the martial artists a false sense of achievement. The result is that growth and ability come to a halt. If the martial artist thinks he is good, then why should he practice as hard? If he isn't humble, there is no way to improve and reach high levels of ability; morality goes hand-in-hand with achievement.

Respect is intimately related to humility. If a person has humility it is easy to give respect because both traits involve the recognition of goodness in everything. Respect occupies a special position in the relationship between martial artists of all styles. By giving respect, dignity is gained for all martial styles. Respect and dignity give martial arts an importance beyond words; every person from the instructor to the beginning student realizes through respect that martial arts is not mere fighting, but something that strives for pure spirit. In this way respect for and obedience to the master become absolutely imperative, since it is the master who will be the guide to the higher levels of ability and spirituality.

Loyalty, righteousness, and trust complete the traits of morality of action. When the martial artists has righteousness he will stand up for justice and fight evil whenever he can; to fully complement the actions the martial artists must also have a good approach to life. Having trust means not that the martial artists will trust everybody, but that everybody can trust the martial artist. By showing his dependability and honesty, the student shows other people that his character will be guided by goodness.

Loyalty involves faithfulness to the ideals of family, culture, nation, and martial style. In particular, a student may someday be called upon to teach his particular style, which he must honor by teaching what he has learned to be the traditional aspects of his style. Without this loyalty, a style will undergo as many changes as there are instructors; in time the established forms which have been proven effective and which have identified the style though the ages will disappear. The death of the style will surely come about if this happens. There is always room for innovation, but innovation must occur within the context of an established tradition.

The second aspect of morality, the morality of mind, also has five major traits. They are: will, endurance, perseverance, patience, and bravery. Morality of mind, as contrasted to the morality of action, deals with the inward spirit or soul of the martial artist. Will, of all the traits, is the center point.

In China there is a saying, "If a man is a ship, the the will is the rudder." The martial artist must have something which stands determined to control and direct his energies. It is easy to say that everybody should have a strong will, but for the martial artist it is particularly important. For nearly all of his life, the true martial artist will devote at least three hours of every day for practice; only a strong will can push the martial artist to make this tremendous sacrifice. The will grows in importance once the student realizes that the study of martial arts is a lifetime commitment. Martial arts should not be a hobby which a person drops after a few months or years of practice. Devotion to a lifetime of martial arts requires a guiding force during the times of personal trouble, sadness, laziness, and self-doubt; only the will can provide such a force.

The other traits can be thought of as supporting the will. Endurance can be likened to the physical fuel or energy source of the will. If the body engages in difficult exercises or if the person is tired and sore, then it is endurance which keeps the body whole. If endurance is the physical fuel of will then perseverance and patience are the mental sources of energy for the will. In performing difficult tasks the mental as well as the physical side is affected; when the mind is in pain or is exhausted then perseverance and patience must be present. Sometimes weeks, months, and years of practice are required to perfect certain techniques; during these times the martial artists must never get discouraged. By having perseverance and patience the student will endure.

Lastly, bravery can be seen as the principle of action for the will. Bravery for the martial artist is the spiritual courage needed to face the truth. In facing the truth the martial artist must stand up to any situation and deal with it in an honest and courageous way. The martial artist will always meet the challenges of life head on whether in failure or in success. Secondly, bravery involves the courage to fight evil as the Shao Lin monks once fought evil. The martial artist must follow the example of the Shao Lin Temple and become an active agent for the establishment of justice and righteousness; if the principles of the Shao Lin monk can be followed, then the martial artist can make this world a much better place.

Many more points can be made about martial morality, but as the student makes each trait a part of his character he will find that some things become obvious. As an example, once humility becomes a living ideal the thought of showing off or being boisterous disappears. The martial artist will realize that showing off and boasting are the disguises of pride and limited martial ability."

Simply being able to hurt someone does not make you a martial artist. That is mere thuggery, and can be accomplished by anyone who is willing to aggress upon someone smaller and weaker than himself. A martial artist is built upon three pillars. Knowledge. Technical ability. And Morality. He is more than a brute. He is a thinking individual, possessed with great power, and devoted to right action. You can buy a black belt for next to nothing. But you will not understand the true depth of the Way until you turn within and work on your self. Martial arts is a path of self discipline, both the discipline to focus on your training, and the discipline to improve upon your own character.

All the punches and kicks in the world will never be equal to the strength of simply doing the right thing when called upon. In order to reach the highest levels of ability, you must work both inwardly and outwardly. In so doing, you will gain the strength to truly impact the world around you with more than just your fists.

Beginner: Pay attention to your actions throughout the day. When you react to a situation with anger or hatred or frustration, stop and think about what you've done and why. Make a conscious effort to be patient and understanding throughout your day, and to act rather than react. Pay attention to the teachings of your instructors, and dedicate your training to those who have walked the path before you.

Intermediate: Be humble and patient. When someone criticizes your work or performance, rather than leaping to defend your actions, pause and consider what they've said. Even if they are wrong, you may have something to learn from their perspective. Be slow to anger and take offense, and quick to forgive and forget personal affront.

Advanced: Develop your self discipline. Spend time each morning and night practicing your techniques. Practice your foot maneuvers, your stances, your kicks and punches again and again, focusing on polishing and perfecting your material. Do not be content with good enough. Keep training. Keep improving. Temper your skill in the fire of your will.