- Lone Kimono – right extended straight lapel grab from 12
- Hidden Hands – left grab to right shoulder from 6, pushing the left shoulder with the elbow and then pulling with the grab
- Clutching Hair – left extended hair grab from top of head from 12
- Triggered Palm – right straight push to front of left shoulder from 12
- Glancing Palm – right cross push to front of right shoulder from 12
- Shield and Hammer – left lead hook punch to head from 12
- Kicking the Ghost – right step through front thrust kick followed by right lead jab to head from 12
- Stalking Panther – left step through punch/right cross punch combo from 12
- Sweeping the Bear – rear bearhug arms pinned from 6
- Pressing the Bear – front bearhug arms pinned from 12
- Clutching Fingers – left two finger lock to right hand from 3 leading to 1:30
- Flexed Wrist – two handed downward looping wrist lock from 12
- Intercepting the Storm – right step through overhead downward club strike to top of head from 12
- Passing the Blade – right advancing inward knife slash/outward knife slash/upward forward knife thrust combination
- Coordination Set 1
- Sparring Set 1
- Long Form 1
Knowledge Factors
- Permutations
- Invisible Enemies
- 3 Ways to Add Power (Borrowed Force, Rebound Energy, Bringing the Target to the Weapon or the Weapon to the Target or Both)
- Healthy Competition
- Three Points of View (attacker, defender, bystander)
- Black Belt Success Cycle
- Zones of Sanctuary
- Grey Zone
Class 1
Stance Work
Stance Set 1
Review (in place)
Stance Set 1
Moving (line drill, step through foot maneuver to each stance,
Strong Stances (in place, single strikes, proper stances and
Lone Kimono
(extended lapel grab, |purpose and intent|, upward lifting forearm
strike, frictional and position checking, incidental headbutts)
Basics Practice
Upward Lifting
Forearm Strike – Pads (from a fighting stance, both sides)
Downward Scraping
Frictional Check – Pads (from a fighting stance, both sides)
Extended Lapel
Grabs – Body (static drill, dumb uke, holding the opponent at arm's
length with one arm, moving forward and back)
Dynamic Drills
Engaging with
Lapel Grabs – Partner (h/p, in place, slow to med speed, reaching
past the guard to grab the opponent by the lapel, opponent defends
with blocks and checks)
Manipulating a
Grabbed Opponent – Partner (engage with extended lapel grab,
keeping arm energized explore using stances and foot maneuvers to
press/drag/lift/turn the opponent, {grab the grab/base/maintain})
Extending the
Opponent's Arm – Partner (engage with close lapel grab, slow to med
speed, keeping arm energized move with opponent to keep elbow bent,
{grab the grab/base/step back or pivot to extend the opponent's arm
away from his body}, circling/dynamic, increasing resistance, |care
around joints|)
Class 2
Basics Practice
Hand Techniques
From a Horse Stance – In Place (continuous striking, opening and
closing the hand, breathing and rotating the hips/shoulders for
power, practice proper breathing, slow to fast increasing speed and
Foot Techniques
with Foot Maneuvers – Line Drill (moving down the floor with foot
maneuvers 1-6, changing stances/sides, executing foot techniques from
each stance with and then/with timing, continuous, advancing,
|kicking out of a proper stance|)
Short Range
Techniques on the Shields – Circling (knees and elbows, shield
holders circle/press/retreat, grabbing and clinching to strike)
Shadowboxing all
Ranges and Techniques – Air (facing all directions, changing ranges
and levels, visualizing a real opponent, identifying targets for
striking and following combinations to the floor)
Dumb Body Drills
Applying the
Upward Lifting Forearm Strike as an Elbow Lock – Body (partner
executes extended lapel grab, grab the grab/base/upward lifting
forearm to elbow, shift stance and weight with upward rolling
pressure against the elbow joint to force a change in the partner's
position, practice lifting/dropping/rolling with the arm, demonstrate
the wrist lock)
Rubbing the
Downward Scraping Frictional Check Continuous – Body (partner
extends both arms straight away from the body, facing the partner,
execute overlapping downward scraping frictional checks to both arms,
|incidental headbutts|, partner maintains position, continuous,
practice breaking partner's stance to differing degrees based on
intensity and speed of checks)
Contouring the Arm
– Body (partner extends one arm straight ahead and one arm out to
the side, static drill, practice moving the hand back and forth from
wrist to shoulder on all four sides of the arm, from inside and
outside position, add touch contact strikes to body/neck/face, proper
Counter Drills
Striking Counters
– Partner (one for one back and forth, hand, {block/hand},
block/hand, hand techniques to solar plexus or above)
Angle Counters –
Partner (two for two back and forth, hand, {off
angle/block/foot/hand}, off angle/block/foot/hand, foot techniques to
knee or below, hand techniques to solar plexus or above)
Checking Counters
– Partner (h/p, one student guard up/circling/spinning/stepping,
partner checking at hips/shoulders or hips/elbows to control position
and drive opponent, increasing intensity)
Grab Counters –
Partner (flow drill, slow speed back and forth, grab/off hand
striking, {cover/grab/maneuver to control/off hand striking},
cover/grab/maneuver to control/off hand striking, never put yourself
out of position/put the opponent out of position)
Class 3
Technique Review
Yellow Belt
Techniques – Air (running lists, once each)
Yellow Belt
Techniques – Body (running lists, twice each)
Orange Belt
Techniques – Air (running lists, once each)
Orange Belt
Techniques – Body (running lists, twice each)
Hidden Hands
(manipulating with grabs from behind, |borrowed force|, moving in to
obscure zones with the hands up, squaring the opponent with a
pressing punch strike)
Dynamic Drills
Manipulating with
Grabs from Behind – Body (static drill, grabbing the
shoulders/collar/back of shirt/belt/hair, moving the opponent's
torso, changing the opponent's position, walking/dragging with grabs)
Striking with
Borrowed Force – Pads (static drill, partner holds pad on right
hand and grabs back of right shoulder with left hand, partner pulls
back on shoulder, rotate the hips and torso with the grab and execute
an outward handsword strike to the pads, reset and repeat)
Clearing the
Rearward Opponent – Partner (opponent spontaneously engages with a
grab from 6, {step away/face with hands leading/continue stepping
away hands up/command voice}, reset and repeat)
Class 4
Basic Boxing Techniques
Jab/Cross – Pads
(alternating strikes, switching stances, double tapping the jab)
Bobbing and
Weaving – Air (bending at the knees, deceptive head movement (side
to side and pecking), small motions/big motions)
Covering – Pads
(cover hi/low and left/right, partner striking lightly with pads
against cover positions)
Clutching Hair
(hair grabs, zones of sanctuary, vertical middle knuckle fist,
canceling width, squaring the opponent)
Zones of Sanctuary
(|knowledge factor|, areas of safety at the “corners” of circular
Basics Practice
Practicing the
Hair Grab – Body (practice reaching past the guard to grab the
head/hair from all directions, practice controlled manipulation from
the grab)
Practicing the
Middle Knuckle Strike – Pads (static/dynamic, vertical and
horizontal, both sides)
Practicing the
Close Kneel to Side Horse Stance Transition – Air (stepping back
into a close kneel/rising to a side horse, instructor checks balance
and height/width/depth of both stances)
Dynamic Drills
Grabbing the Hair
and Striking with the Off Hand – Partner (med speed, light contact,
reach past guard to grab the head/hair and hold while striking to the
head and body with the off hand, {grab the grab/cover/step away/grab
escape}, re-grab and continue)
Canceling the
Opponent's Width – Partner (controlling the extended arm with the
strike to the body and the grab to the hand/wrist/arm, maintaining
cancellation while moving with the opponent, opponent attempts to
step and face)
Squaring the
Opponent with Hard Blocks – Body (partner holds arms energized out
straight at shoulder height, practice outward extended/inward blocks
to the arms to cause the partner to change the direction their torso
is facing, reset and repeat)
Class 5
Grabbing Drills
Practicing Grab
Techniques – Body (single straight and cross grabs to
wrist/lapel/shoulder/hair, switching hands, circling)
Reviewing Simple
Grab Escapes – Body (partner engages with single straight and cross
wrist grabs, practice escapes, alternating)
Engaging with
Grabs – Partner (dynamic drills, h/p, partner circling guard up,
grab at wrist/lapel/shoulder, partner defends, release and repeat,
Grabbing – Partner (dynamic drill, circling, both students practice
grabbing/defending, slow to med speed, manipulating with grabs)
Passing Drills
Passing the Grab –
Body (grabbing and manipulating with one hand, passing opponent from
hand to hand by grabbing off/passing/tossing, continue manipulating)
Passing the Arm
Hold – Body (inside/outside, switching hands and positions,
maintaining contact and pressure)
Passing the Large
Hold – Body (changing positions between bearhug/headlock/clinch,
continuous movement)
Passing the Guard
– Body (manipulating the opponent from top position with grabs to
the hips to set up elbow wedge, pass guard smothering and swarming,
climb to mount with grabs and checks)
Class 6
Push Practice
Stepping Back from
Pushes – Partner (partner attacks with high two handed push, {step
back/base/hard block}, reset and repeat)
Swinging Away from
Pushes – Partner (partner attacks with straight and cross one
handed pushes, {swing forward or back with push energy to fighting
stance}, reset and alternate)
Both Partners
Pushing Away – Partner (dynamic, simulating escalation phase,
stepping in and pushing away, increasing intensity)
Triggered Palm
(compound striking, pinning and striking, striking over and under the
connecting arm, downward hooking hard crane)
3 Ways to Add
Power (|knowledge factor|, borrowed force, rebound energy, bringing
the target to the weapon or the weapon to the target or both)
Dynamic Drills
Hooking and
Pulling – Body (practice manipulating the opponent's
neck/shoulders/arms/torso/legs with hard cranes)
Compound Striking
– Shield (hook/inward elbow, outward elbow/bks, uppercut/upward
elbow, downward elbow/bks)
Pinning and
Stepping In – Partner (partner engages with grab, {grab the
grab/step in to opponent/pushing palm strike to create
space/sloughing escape}, re-grab and repeat)
Holding and
Hitting – Partner (dynamic, med speed, light contact, engage with
grabs/off hand strikes to head and torso, {cover/push opponent
away/engage with grab}, alternating)
Bending the
Opponent's Arm – Partner (partner engages with extended grab,
practicing bending the arm with hand/forearm, partner attempts to
maintain energized extension, stepping dynamic)
Class 7
Basics Practice
Knee Strikes –
Line Drill (lifting/thrusting, striking/pressing, pushing the
opponent the length of the floor, pulling the opponent in to strikes
with clinch/grabs/hooks)
Elbow Strikes –
Line Drill (inward/outward/upward/rearward, striking/pressing,
pushing the opponent the length of the floor, pulling the opponent in
to strikes with clinch/grabs/hooks)
Combinations – Line Drill (striking with the knee and elbow from
clinch/grabs/hooks while pushing the opponent the length of the
Glancing Palm
(slipping pushes, inward/outward scissoring arm bar, stance
transitions to add leverage to joint locks, outward hooking hard
Body Work
Practicing the
Inward/Outward Scissoring Arm Bar – Body (static, practicing
setting and applying the arm bar technique)
Manipulating with
the Arm Bar – Body (static, practicing moving the opponent
around/up and down using the scissoring arm bar/straight arm bar)
Bringing the
Target to the Weapon – Body (using strikes and pulls to bring the
opponent in to follow up strikes, knee groin to cause head to come
forward to elbow, grab and pull in to off hand palm strike, clinch
the head to bring it in to knee strikes)
Rocking Horse
Effect – Body (practice creating rocking horse effect from 12 and 6
with strikes and grapples)
Dynamic Drills
Back/Swinging In from Push Attacks – Partner (partner repeatedly
engages with push attacks, {step away(off line) of pushes with foot
maneuvers and torso twists to evade opponent/face}, continuous)
Trapping the
Pushing Arm – Partner (partner repeatedly engages with push
attacks, isolate arm with grabs(holds) and set arm bar,
set/release/repeat, continuous)
Class 8
Shield and Hammer
(inward hammerfist, where the line ends the circle begins/where the
circle ends the line begins, outward dipping elbow strike,
difference between roundhouse punches and hook punches)
Three Points of
View (|knowledge factor|, attacker, defender, bystander)
Basics Practice
Practicing the
High Line Hook Punch – Pads (hitting with body momentum, lead hook
first both sides, then jab/cross/lead hook)
Practicing the
Outward Extended Block – Body (static drill, partner attacks with
roundhouse or lead hook, {step back/outward extended block}, repeat,
both sides)
Practicing the
Front Kick/Handsword Combination – Pads (front snap(thrust)
kick/inward(outward) handsword, circling)
the Block/Chop Combination – Body (partner holds both arms
energized at shoulder height, practice inward block to arm/outward
handsword to neck, practice outward extended block to arm/inward
handsword to neck, both sides)
Dynamic Drills
Stepping Back from
Punch Attacks – Line Drill (one strike at a time, partner advances
with any punch attack, {retreat with hard blocking technique}, down
the floor then alternate)
Controlling the
Inside Position – Partner (in place, partner attacks with circular
hands strikes right and left, {defend with checks and hard
blocks/palm strikes to centerline}, continuous)
Exploring the
Three Points of View – Group Activity (practice techniques on the
body, one student explores the role of attacker, one student explores
the role of the defender, one student explores the role of the
bystander from multiple angles as an ally of the attacker or the
defender or as an uninvolved third party, what can be seen, what is
felt physically and psychologically, what can be inferred about the
intentions of the actors from context)
Class 9
Basics Practice
Punches from a
Horse Stance – In Place (single, double, triple punches, ten
repetitions each side)
Step Through Foot
Maneuvers – Line Drill (maintaining proper height/width/depth of
neutral bow)
Front Snap Kicks
from a Fighting Stance – Pads (kicking with the rear leg and
landing back, both sides)
Coordination Set 1
(block/punch combinations, kick/punch combinations)
Dynamic Drills
Jabbing off of
Blocks – Pads (partner holds one pad high and attacks with other
pad, {inward(outward) block/jab}, circling, continuous)
Punching and Kicking – Body (static drill, partner in fighting
stance, circle with simultaneous kicks and punches to low/high line,
proper form/angles/targets)
Blocking During
Striking Combinations – Pads (partner holding pads high, continuous
striking with hand techniques, partner randomly inserts attack with
pad, execute hard block to pad and continue striking)
Class 10
Coordination Set 1
(blocking with angle changes, defending and counter punching)
Basics Practice
Practicing the
Lead to Rear Step and Angle Change – In Place
(stepping/facing/striking, hand and foot techniques in combination)
Stepping Through
with Blocks – Line Drill (advancing/retreating with in/out/up/down
Straight Punches – Bag (jab, cross, horizontal/vertical/diagonal
punch, ihp, f.a.s.p.)
Dynamic Drills
Stepping of the
Line of Attack – Partner (h/p, partner attacks with linear kicks
and punches, slow to med speed one strike at a time, {fighting stance
guard up, step off line of attack/face}, continuous)
Off Angle Defenses
– Partner (h/p, spontaneous defenses against jabs and crosses
pivoting/stepping off the line of attack with block/punch or
block/kick combinations, slow to med speed one strike at a time,
One Punch Defense
– Partner (attack with a punch, {step back and defend/counter},
step back and defend/counter, alternating slow speed)
Class 11
Kicking the Ghost
(ghost imaging, downward elbow strike/block, inward blocking punch,
bringing the target to the weapon and the weapon to the target,
machine gun striking)
Basics Practice
Front Kick/Jab
Combinations – Pads (partner holds one pad high one pad low,
practice kick/punch combination with with/and then timing, practice
landing with the strike/landing then striking, circling)
Practicing the
Downward Elbow Strike/Block – Body (to strike/to cover, partner
executes front kick to lower abdomen from front/rear leg, {defend
with downward elbow strike/block}, circling continuous, both sides)
Practicing the
Inward Blocking Punch – Body (partner repeatedly launches
alternating straight high line punches/counter with inward blocking
punch, continuous)
Practicing the
Outward Blocking Punch – Body (partner repeatedly launches
alternating roundhouse high line punches/counter with outward
blocking punch, continuous)
Machine Gun
Striking – Shields (partner circles/advances/retreats with shield,
fighting stance, execute continuous left/right alternating
palms/punches to the shield, circling)
Push Drag
Advancing with an Elbow Strike – Bag (practice push drag advancing
with inward elbow strike to strike/press, practice at
close/critical/out of contact ranges)
Practicing the
Pull Down Check – Body (static drill, closed faced, execute lead
hand pull down check to partner's lead hand slowly to pull the
partner off his base, use stance and pivot while anchoring the elbow)
Dynamic Drills
Covering the Lead
Side – Partner (h/p, circling, partner attacks with front
kicks/jabs to lead side, {cover head/torso with lead arm to defend
against attacks}, continuous)
Overwhelming the
Opponent's Guard with Strikes – Partner (partner in fighting stance
maintaining guard position, attack with jabs/crosses over opponent's
guard to force his hands down and open high zone, partner attempts to
re-establish guard, continuous)
Checking the Lead
Side – Partner (step in and engage with pressing position check to
opponent's lead arm, partner attempts to retreat to disengage, chase
and maintain contact and control, continuous)
Class 12
Technique Review
Yellow Belt
Techniques – Body (running lists, twice each)
Orange Belt
Techniques – Body (running lists, twice each)
Purple Belt
Techniques – Body (techniques 1-7, twice each)
Fighting Concepts
Striking – Air
(shadowboxing all techniques, changing levels and directions)
Covering –
Partner (partner attacks with strikes to the head and body, {cover},
dynamic drill)
Evasion –
Partner (partner attacks with long range hands and feet, no contact
evasion, guard up)
Jamming –
Partner (partner steps in with hands up, engage with
checks/smother/circle/escape, continuous)
Blocking –
Partner (partner attacks with hands and feet, defend with hard
blocking techniques, circling)
Grabbing –
Partner (practice competitive grabbing, both students
grabbing/pushing(pulling) with grabs/escaping grabs, continuous,
dynamic drill)
Holding –
Partner (engage with clinch/bearhug/arm hold/head lock, maintain
while partner attempts to escape)
Ground Fighting –
Partner (practice mount and guard positions, practice rolling mount
escape and elbow wedge guard pass, increasing intensity)
Class 13
Long Form 1
[opening through first outward block section]
(retreat/defend/counter, blocks are strikes)
Black Belt Success
Cycle (|knowledge factor|, know what you want, make a plan, get a
coach, take consistent action, review your progress, set new goals)
Basics Practice
Stepping Back into
the Neutral Bow – Line Drill (step-through foot maneuvers
retreating, proper height/width/depth each stance)
Blocks as Strikes
– Pads (inward/outward/upward/downward, practicing focusing and
striking with the pulsing method)
Practicing the
Reverse Punch – Shields (practicing the block/punch combination
with each block from Form 1 followed by a reverse punch to the
shield, f.a.s.p.)
Dynamic Drills
Striking Blocks –
Pads (dynamic drill, med speed, partner steps in swinging pads at
head/torso, step back and execute hard blocks to pads, kime,
One Strike
Continuous – Partner (slow to med speed, touch to light contact,
partner steps forward with linear strike, {retreat/defend/counter},
retreat/defend/counter, alternating increasing speed and intensity)
Hunter and Prey –
Partner (sparring style, slow to med speed, touch to light contact,
one student agresses with hands and feet, the other defends with
covers/evasion/hard blocking, continuous)
Class 14
Long Form 1
[through end of first section] (straight cross footwork pattern,
coversteps and pivoting)
Basics Practice
Practicing First
Stances – In Place (neutral bow/cat stance/forward bow, practicing
static with proper height/width/depth, practicing proper stance
Coversteps and Pivoting – Moving (instructor calling actions,
covers and reverse covers, forward and reverse pivots, add striking)
Stepping along the
Straight Cross – Walking (freestyle drill, stepping forward and
back, turning 90 degrees, 1-6 foot maneuvers)
Dynamic Drills
Blocking Four
Directions – In Place (neutral bow guard up, step through
advancing/retreating, coversteps, pivot steps, facing 12,9,6,3, hard
blocking techniques with each foot maneuver)
Striking Four
Directions – Shields (neutral bow guard up, facing four directions,
striking with hands and feet, four students holding shields at each
cardinal direction)
Meeting on the
Cross Footwork Pattern – Partner (dynamic, facing a partner outside
contact range in a fighting stance, step together directly towards
each other to contact range/step away along a 90 degree angle to face
each other on a new line/repeat, one step at a time, h/p, strike/hard
block each time you step together)
Striking and
Defending on the Cross – Partner (h/p, face/step together with slow
speed hand/foot combinations, escape along a 90 degree angle, {hard
blocking combination})
Escaping with
Reverse Pivot Steps – Partner (h/p, dynamic, slow speed, touch
contact, partner attacks with hand combinations, {fighting stance,
angle change/retreat with a reverse pivot step/defend with hard
blocks}, give chase and repeat)
Class 15
Long Form 1
[through end of second set of blocks] (punching in to grapple
techniques, defend/counter/defend)
Basics Practice
Blocking Set 1 –
Air (f.a.s.p. repetitions)
Blocking Set 1 –
Wall (f.a.s.p. repetitions)
Blocking Set 1 –
Body (f.a.s.p. Repetitions)
Punching to
Countergrabs – Body (partner holds both arms energized at shoulder
level, practice punching to the body and countergrabbing the arm,
alternate sides continuous)
Manipulating with
the Arm Bar – Body (apply straight horizontal arm bar with heel of
palm pressure on the outside of the elbow, walk the opponent
Dynamic Drills
Blocking and
Countering – Partner (slow speed, touch contact, partners facing at
contact range, alternating hand strikes and hard blocks, one strike
at a time, circling, proper stances, increasing intensity)
Combinations – Partner (h/p, slow speed, touch contact, partner
circles and guards, practice striking past the guard and following
with a grab to the torso/head/limbs, alternate hands, continuous)
Striking to the
Arm Bar – Partner (h/p, slow speed, touch contact, partner circles
and guards, practice striking the body and following with a grab to
the arm then set the straight arm bar and control, reset and repeat,
Class 16
Long Form 1
[though isolations and closing] (inside downward blocks and push down
checks, double punching, pivoting around attacks)
Basics Practice
Practicing the
Inside Downward Block [Palm Up] – Line Drill (partner steps through
with front thrust kicks to bladder, retreat with inside downward
block palm up, down the floor then alternate)
Practicing the
Inside Downward Block [Palm Down] – Line Drill (partner steps
through with front thrust kicks to bladder, retreat with inside
downward block palm down, down the floor then alternate)
Practicing the
Push Down Check – Body (partner advances/execute push down check to
solar plexus to drive away, partner advances with knee
strikes/execute push down check to knee to defend, partner advances
bladed/execute push down check to top of hip girdle to break posture,
continuous drill)
Practicing Double
Punches – Pads (partner holds pads in front/at angles/at
sides/facing down, practice double punch techniques from horse
stance/fighting stance, f.a.s.p.)
Practicing the
Forward Pivot Step – In Place (pivoting 90 degrees with the rear
foot to the open side with blocks/strikes/both, continuous)
Dynamic Drills
Arm Conditioning
Drill – Body (matching inward block/inside downward block/outward
block/outside downward block, alternating arms, controlled contact,
pulsing, circling)
Pivoting Around
Attacks – Partner (partner advances with step through front
kick/step through punch, {pivot rear foot to face along closed side
as you defend with downward block/outward extended block and follow
with reverse punch, reface and repeat)
Forms Practice
Short Form 1 (4
repetitions, f.a.s.p.)
Long Form 1 (4
repetitions, f.a.s.p.)
Class 17
Stalking Panther
(double ghost imaging, upward blocking bracing check, driving the
opponent up and over by the head, half fist snapping punch)
Basics Practice
Practicing Inward
Blocks – Pads (partner swings pads in an inward circular motion,
horse stance/fighting stance, alternating left/right inward blocks,
Pressing with the
Upward Blocking Bracing Check – Line Drill (dumb drill, engage with
check and press a retreating partner the length of the floor,
maintain contact and control)
Practicing the
Half Fist Snapping Punch – Pads (lead and rear hand, both sides,
Dynamic Drills
Retreating with
Blocks/Advancing with Strikes – Pads (partner attacks with strikes
holding the pads then retreats and holds pads high/mid/low, {retreat
with hard blocking techniques/advance with kicks and punches}, repeat
Combinations Punches – Line Drill (partner advances with jabs and
crosses, retreat with hard blocking techniques)
Hard Blocking with
Kick Counters – Line Drill (partner advances with jabs and crosses,
retreat with hard blocking techniques and low line kicks from stable
Class 18
Sparring Set 1 (6
basic hand techniques, striking with the lead/rear hands)
(|knowledge factor|, reordering basics for an increased number of
combinations of strikes)
Sparring Basics
Practicing the
Lead Hand Strikes – Pads (f.a.s.p., jab/backnuckle/inward reverse
handsword, each strike separately, 2 strike combinations, 3 strike
Practicing the
Rear Hand Strikes – Pads (f.a.s.p., reverse punch/inverted
horizontal punch/inward reverse handsword, each strike separately, 2
strike combinations, 3 strike combination)
Movement Drills
Moving the Body – In Place (head,
shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet)
Bouncing and Stutter Steps – In Place
(forward and back, |predictable rhythm|)
Switching and Clock Concept – In
Place (def/off/hop, 4 directions)
Coversteps and Lateral Stepping – In
Place (+rear coverstep, |crossing feet, opening zones|)
1-3 Foot Maneuvers – Line Drill (push
drag, step drag, drag step)
Circle Walking – Partner (stalking,
Sparring Drills
Defending Against
Lead Hand Strikes – Partner (circling sparring style, fighting
stance/guard up, h/p, jab/backnuckle/inward reverse handsword,
evasion and hard blocking)
Defending Against
Rear Hand Strikes – Partner (circling sparring style, fighting
stance/guard up, h/p, reverse punch/inverted horizontal punch/inward
reverse handsword, evasion and hard blocking)
Class 19
Sparring Set 1
(guard sweeps, grapple entries)
Basics PracticeGuard
Positions (Traditional Wedge, Universal Defensive, Hi/Low Facing,
Boxer's Guard)
Guard Sweeps –
Partner (static drill, 4 directions [up, down, in, out], slaps and
hooks (hard/soft, friction/impact)
Manipulations – Partner (static drill, h/p, grabbing and pulling
[gripping, bottlenecking the wrist, anchoring the elbows and sitting
in the stance])
Dynamic Drills
Dynamic Guard
Sweeping – In Place (h/p, returning to neutral position)
Dynamic Guard
Grabbing – Circling (h/p, returning to neutral position)
Sparring Drills
Timing – Partner
(partner glove flash drill, vp(fk))
Distance –
Partner (elastico bks drill closed face, lean in and bks, lean out to
evade, alternating)
– Partner (circular strike defense, in/out/up, haymakers and
Class 20
Sparring Instruction
What is Sparring?
– Discussion (sparring as an intermediate drill, sparring as live
training, sparring as simulated combat, sparring as sport)
Competition (|knowledge factor|, competing with a positive attitude
and a focus on growth)
Sparring Techniques
Sparring Set 1 –
Air (six hands, in place/moving)
Kicking Set 1 –
Air (five feet, in place/moving)
Blocks from a
Fighting Stance – Air (6 defenses, in place/moving)
Counter Techniques
– Partner (bks/{up block/ihp}, wk/{hit twitch/bks}, fk/{down
block/check lead/high hand}, jab/{outside defense/rear hand)})
Sparring Practice
Sparring as an
Intermediate Drill – Partner (long range evasion and blocking, h/p,
sparring style, hand/foot combination strikes)
Sparring as Live
Training – Partner (close/far, h/p, hunter controlling ranges,
circling and changing levels)
Sparring as
Simulated Combat – Partner (3 hit kenpo sparring style, slow speed
touch contact, increasing intensity)
Sparring as a
Sport – Partner (exhibition sparring with instructor, instructor
calling fight/break/point, 2 point matches, slow speed touch contact)
Class 21
Pattern Review
Coordination Set 1
– Air (f.a.s.p., 4 repetitions)
Sparring Set 1 –
Body (f.a.s.p., 4 repetitions)
Long Form 1 –
Air (f.a.s.p., 4 repetitions)
Technique Training
Grab Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Push Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Punch Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Kick Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Spontaneous Training
Spontaneous Self
Defense – Technique Lines (shotgun style, grab attacks)
Spontaneous Self
Defense – Partner (alternating, push attacks)
Spontaneous Self
Defense – Line Drill (partner advances with punch attacks, slow
speed, touch contact, {retreat with evasion and hard blocking,
counter with feet to body}, down the floor then alternating)
Spontaneous Self
Defense – Circling (circling sparring style, h/p, slow speed, touch
contact, partner attacks with kick attacks, {evasion and hard
blocking, counter with hands to body}, continuous)
Class 22
Sweeping the Bear
(defensive posture against hugs, rear sliding leg sweep, catching the
head, turning the head, upward knee/downward elbow combination, press
Invisible Enemies
(|knowledge factor|, ego, complacency, fickleness, impatience,
perfectionism, unhealthy comparisons)
Rear Bearhug Defenses
Establishing a
Base – Partner (partner executes rear bearhug, widen and lower
stance, partner manipulates with increasing intensity, maintain
posture and base, continuous)
Controlling the
Hold – Partner (partner executes rear bearhug, grab the hands/arms
of the opponent, partner attempts to adjust hold up/down, control
opponent's position, continuous)
Anchoring with the
Grapevine – Partner (partner executes rear bearhug and lift, wrap
one leg around the inside/outside of opponent's leg to anchor to
their position leaving other leg down to base, when partner relaxes
lift rebase and maintain, partner lifts again, practice grapevine
other side, continuous)
Striking the
Opponent – Partner (partner executes rear bearhug, grab the
hands/arms to control and strike with the off hand to major targets,
partner steps and maneuvers to evade/cover, continuous)
Small Circle
Manipulations – Partner (partner executes rear bearhug, grab the
hands and isolate the fingers away from the grip, partner attempts to
adjust position and hold to maintain control, apply steady continuous
pressure until partner releases hug, reset and repeat)
Basics Practice
Practicing the
Rear Sliding Leg Sweep – Body (partner in horse stance, execute
sweep, f.a.s.p., proper posture, reset and repeat, both sides)
Practicing the
Strikedown and Pressdown – Body (partner in fighting stance, break
posture, strike/press partner to ground with elbows and hands,
controlled contact, reset and repeat)
Launching Knee
Strikes with Rebound Energy – In Place (practice sliding back in to
strong forward bow and then rebounding off the floor with heel in to
lifting knee strike, both sides)
Practicing the
Downward Overhead Looping Elbow Strike – Pads (practice static in
place, practice step through strike, practice step through knee and
Dynamic Drills
Spontaneous Rear
Bearhug Offense – Partner (striking shield at 12 with hands and
feet, partner approaches from behind and waits for opportunity to
execute rear bearhug, {base/pin}, reset and repeat)
Spontaneous Rear
Bearhug Defense – Partner (eyes closed, partner executes dynamic
rear bearhug, open eyes and defend until free, alternating)
Class 23
Pressing the Bear
(front bearhugs, upward double thumb strike, double pressing palm
strikes to hip girdle, wedging to create space to strike, inward
crane trap)
Front Bearhug Defenses
Establishing a
Base – Partner (partner executes front bearhug, widen and lower
stance, partner manipulates with increasing intensity, maintain
posture and base, continuous)
Controlling the
Hold – Partner (partner executes front bearhug, grab the arms of
the opponent, partner attempts to adjust hold up/down, control
opponent's position, continuous)
Anchoring with the
Grapevine – Partner (partner executes front bearhug and lift, wrap
one leg around the inside/outside of opponent's leg to anchor to
their position leaving other leg down to base, when partner relaxes
lift rebase and maintain, partner lifts again, practice grapevine
other side, continuous)
Striking the
Opponent – Partner (partner executes front bearhug, grab the arms
to control and strike with the off hand to major targets, partner
steps and maneuvers to evade/cover, continuous)
Attacking Soft
Targets – Partner (partner executes front bearhug, grab the arms to
control and base, locate/grab/pinch/twist/ inside of arms/inside of
legs/groin/fat around torso)
Attacking the Head
– Partner (partner executes front bearhug, grab the arms to control
and base, get hands to face to attack eyes/ears/nose, headbutt to
face/side of head, bite head/neck)
Dynamic Drills
Wedging out of
Front Bearhugs – Partner (partner executes front bearhug, use
double upward thumb strikes to groin or double pressing palm strikes
to top of hip girdle to create space, reset and repeat)
Holding and
Hitting with the Inward Crane Trap – Partner (execute inward crane
trap, control with tight contact and steady pressure, partner
attempts to escape with increasing resistance, add off hand striking
to head and body, slow speed, touch contact)
Combinations from Grapples – Body (static drill, partner applies
rear bearhug/front bearhug/clinch/arm hold, strike with knee/elbow
Spontaneous Front
Bearhug Offense – Partner (partner attacks with slow jabs/crosses,
defend with hard blocks and jam partners arms down then close with
front bearhug, reset and repeat)
Spontaneous Front
Bearhug Defense – Partner (eyes closed, partner executes dynamic
front bearhug, open eyes and defend until free, alternating)
Class 24
Clutching Fingers
(two and four finger locks, straight and interlaced finger locks,
stepping in to locks, opposing force to strike out of grapples,
turning in to opponent with checks)
Grey Zone
(|knowledge factor|, zones which reside at the periphery of the
visual range and move in and out of the white and black zones)
Basics Practice
Alternating Elbow Strikes to the Rear – Body (horse stance with
opponent behind, targeting high/mid line to head/body, rotating for
power, checking by the head with the off hand)
Practicing the Two
and Four Finger Straight Locks – Body (static drill, applying the
two and four finger straight locks, bracing the elbow with the arm)
Practicing Hand
and Finger Grips – Body (c-grip to palm/fingers, full palm to palm
grip fingers interlaced, index and middle finger perpendicular finger
lock, encircled thumb grab, manipulating and walking with each grip)
Dynamic Drills
Striking out of
Grapples – Partner (partner applies wrist grabs, strike off
grabbing hand while pulling away to escape, reset and repeat, both
Leading with the
Two Finger Lock – Body (applying the lock, walking the opponent,
partner applies increasing resistance)
Stepping in to the
Lock and Anchoring the Elbow – Partner (partner applies the lock
and leads, step ahead and anchor elbow to control arm position, reset
and repeat)
Wrestling for
Control of the Two Finger Lock – Partner (h/p, partner engages with
two finger lock and steps to keep arm extended and hand locked,
attempt to anchor elbow and turn away to free arm from lock, partner
attempts to re-establish lock, continuous, slow to med speed)
Class 25
Flexed Wrist
(downward looping wrist lock, controlling the locking mechanism with
the off hand, ratcheting, clearing locks, striking while leaving)
Basics Practice
Practicing the
Downward Looping Wrist Lock – Body (slowly applying the wrist lock,
taking the lock all the way to the ground, slapping preface to
distract and engage)
Practicing the
Outward Wrist Lock – Body (slowly applying the wrist lock, taking
the lock all the way to the ground, slapping preface to distract and
Ratcheting Strikes – Shields (upward elbow/pivot rear elbow/pivot
rear hammerfist, both sides, kime/mushin)
Striking on the
Way Out – Partner (partner attacks with punch from 12, defend with
hard block/turn away and escape with rear hammerfists and rear kicks
to body/groin, alternating)
Dynamic Drills
Controlling with
the Downward Looping Wrist Lock – Partner (slowly apply wrist lock,
partner attempts to step/pivot out of lock, reposition and maintain
control, take the lock to the ground, reset and repeat)
Lock Flow Drill –
Partner (arm bar/hammerlock/wrist locks/head locks/finger locks with
partner, execute lock/{escape/reposition/counter lock}, alternating,
increasing intensity)
Striking the 6
O'Clock Opponent – Shield (partner standing behind with shield,
practice hands and feet in combination to shield while facing away,
Class 26
Club Work
Striking with the
Club – Air (9 angles of attack, forward grip, both sides)
Advancing with the
Club – Line Drill (advancing with slashes and thrusts against a
retreating opponent holding a shield)
Overhead Attacks
with the Club – Pads (striking down with energized arm/whipping
Intercepting the
Storm (stepping in to circular strikes, upward crossed block,
butterfly transition to arm bar, knee strikes from arm bar, stripping
Dynamic Drills
Club Evasion –
Partner (h/p, slow speed, chasing with vertical/horizontal club
attacks, escaping with footwork/lateral stepping/pivoting, no
Practicing the
Butterfly Transition to Arm Bar – Body (from upward crossed block
position practice transition to arm bar, control/manipulate with arm
bar, reset and repeat, both sides)
Pulling in to Knee
Strikes with Grapples – Partner (set straight arm bar,
control/manipulate while striking to the body with knees, partner
attempts to step out of arm bar and checks with off hand, continuous)
Practicing the
Stripping Disarm – Body (partner chases with vertical/horizontal
club attacks, evade and close with grapples to weapon arm, isolate
weapon arm, strip weapon and remove from combat arena, reset and
Attacking the
Opponent with His Weapon – Partner (partner chases with
vertical/horizontal club attacks, evade and close with grapples to
weapon arm, isolate weapon arm, strip weapon/push partner away, chase
with vertical/horizontal club attacks, alternating, |legal aspects of
attacking opponent with weapon after disarming|)
Class 27
Knife Work
Striking with the
Knife – Air (9 angles of attack, forward grip, both sides)
Advancing with the
Knife – Line Drill (advancing with slashes and thrusts against a
retreating opponent holding a shield)
Passing the Blade
(grabbing past the weapon, passing the weapon arm, |passing the knife
across the body|, taking the back, strike downs from 6)
Basics Practice
Stepping to the
Back – Partner (closed face, execute pull down check to partner's
lead hand to off balance and reposition and step to back, reface and
Striking the Spine
– Body (static drill, controlled touch contact hand techniques to
spine from base of spine to base of skull)
Practicing the
Striking Disarm – Body (after the wrist grab strike at the nerves
of the arm with one hand while maintaining the grab with the other,
partner attempts to redraw and refeed weapon, increasing intensity,
controlled contact, continuous)
Dynamic Drills
Grabbing the
Weapon Arm – Partner (partner attacks with slashes and thrusts,
{evade/wait for opportunity/seize weapon arm and control}, partner
attempts to redraw and refeed weapon, reset and repeat)
Manipulating by
the Extended Arm – Body (grab partner in extended wrist grab,
isolate grabbed arm away from body, pull/turn opponent by extended
arm to off balance and reposition partner, maintain distance to
maintain extension, continuous)
Practicing Strike
Downs from 6 – Body (closed face, move to back from pull down
check, practice controlled strike to base of skull to break posture
and drive away and down, reset and repeat)
Class 28
Basics Practice
Striking with the
Arms – Pads (striking with fingers/hands/forearms/elbows)
Grappling with the
Arms – Body (static drill, practice grabs/pins/downward elbow
trap/inward crane trap/wrap around shoulder lock/straight arm
bar/shoulder lock/hammerlock/finger locks)
Striking with the
Legs – Shield (striking with the top of foot/side of foot/ball of
foot/heel of foot/shins/knees)
Grappling with the
Legs – Body (static drill, practice neutral bow knee check/rear
sliding leg sweep/grapevining)
Curriculum Review
Coordination Set 1
– Air (breathing/stances/body alignment)
Sparring Set 1 –
Air (breathing/stances/body alignment)
Long Form 1 –
Air (breathing/stances/body alignment)
Techniques on the
Body (purple list, twice each)
Technique Lines
(shotgun style, purple list, once each)
Technique Training
Hug and Hold
Defenses – Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each,
increasing intensity)
Takedown and
Ground Fighting Defenses – Partner (orange, 3 repetitions each,
increasing intensity)
Lock Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Weapon Defenses –
Partner (yellow, orange, purple, 3 repetitions each, increasing
Class 29
Grabbing the Opponent
Practicing Grabs –
Body (practicing single and double hand grabs to
wrists/clothes/hair/limbs, set/base/reposition opponent, reset and
Engaging with
Grabs – Partner (in place, dynamic drill, partner in fighting
stance, reach past guard and engage with any grab technique to any
target, partner defends with hard blocks, slow to med speed)
Manipulating with
Grabs – Partner (dynamic drill, set any grab, manipulate partner's
position with grabs, partner grabs the grab and maintains base,
increasing intensity)
Grabbing – Partner (both students grabbing/pushing(pulling) with
grabs/escaping grabs, continuous, dynamic drill)
Moving out of Grabs
Basic Wrist Grab
Escapes – Partner (alternating straight and cross wrist grabs and
escapes, circling continuous)
Sloughing Escapes
– Partner (alternating any grab techniques and sloughing escapes,
circling continuous)
Striking out of
Grabs – Partner (alternating any grab techniques and striking
opponent away, circling continuous)
Counter Grappling
– Partner (alternating any grab technique and closing with
grabs/hugs/holds/locks, circling continuous)
Class 30
Manipulating with Control Techniques
Moving with Grabs
– Partner (slow to med speed, engaging and controlling with grabs
to limbs/body/head, pulling/pressing opponent with grabs, continuous)
Controlling with
Holds – Partner (slow to med speed, engaging and controlling with
front bearhug/rear bearhug/clinch/arm hold, walk opponent down floor
and alternate, increasing intensity)
Leading with Locks
– Partner (slow to med speed, engaging with finger lock/shoulder
lock/straight arm bar/hammerlock/head lock, walk opponent down floor
and alternate, increasing intensity)
Subduing the
Unruly Opponent – Partner (slow to med speed, touch to light
contact, one student engages with grapples while the other student
attempts to strike free and escape, continuous)
Spontaneous Self Defense
Defense by Category of Attack – Partner (alternating, static
Technique Lines – Partner (standard formation, any attacks)
Defense Against Grapples – Partner (alternating, dynamic attacks
with off hand follow up striking, slow to med speed, touch contact)
Tiger in the Cage
– Group Activity (one student in the middle of a circle, students
step in one at a time with spontaneous attacks,
3 Hit Kenpo – Partner (static alternating, attack with a right step
through punch, {defend/counter/counter/counter/pause},
defend/counter/counter/counter/pause, increasing intensity, both dumb
Class 31
Sparring Techniques
Sparring Set 1 –
Air (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Sparring Set 1 –
Pads (3 repetitions, increasing intensity)
Moving the Body – In Place (head,
shoulders, arms, torso, legs, feet)
Bouncing and Stutter Steps – In Place
(forward and back, |predictable rhythm|)
Switching and Clock Concept – In
Place (def/off/hop, 4 directions)
Coversteps and Lateral Stepping – In
Place (+rear coverstep, |crossing feet, opening zones|)
1-3 Foot Maneuvers – Line Drill (push
drag, step drag, drag step)
Circle Walking – Partner (stalking,
Sparring Practice
Sparring as an
Intermediate Drill – Partner (long/short range evasion and
blocking, h/p, sparring style, hand/foot combination strikes)
Sparring as Live
Training – Partner (close/far with off hand striking, h/p, hunter
controlling ranges, circling and changing levels)
Sparring as
Simulated Combat – Partner (flowing back and forth with strikes and
blocks, slow speed, touch contact, increasing intensity)
Sparring as a
Sport – Partner (exhibition sparring with instructor, instructor
calling fight/break/point, 3 point matches, med speed, light contact)
Class 32
Basics Practice
Entering with
Sweeps and Grabs – Partner (circling sparring style, h/p, enter and
grab/sweep opponent's guard away, continuous)
Sparring Counters
– Partner (bks/{up block/ihp}, wk/{hit twitch/bks}, fk/{down
block/check lead/high hand}, jab/{outside defense/rear hand)})
Inside Grapples – Partner (partner engages with grapple techniques,
strike to escape, reset and alternate)
Striking with Weapons – Air (striking with clubs and knives,
slashing and thrusting, advancing/retreating/circling)
Curriculum Review
Manipulating with Grabs – Partner (maintaining grabs and
transitioning to holds and locking maneuvers, continuous)
Knowledge Factors
(Permutations, Invisible Enemies, 3 Ways to Add Power (Borrowed
Force, Rebound Energy, Bringing the Target to the Weapon or the
Weapon to the Target or Both), Healthy Competition, Three Points of
View (attacker, defender, bystander), Black Belt Success Cycle, Zones
of Sanctuary, Grey Zone)
Techniques in the
Air (running lists)
Patterns in the
Air (coordination 1, sparring 1, long form 1)
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