Beginner and Intermediate Street Self Defense Curriculum


--Defending from the Natural Stance--
Warm Up
Stretch (legs and torso)
Natural Stance (shifting, guard positions, casual guard (hand on chin/arm over chest))
Moving in a Natural Stance – Guard Up (group activity, tight quarters, add obstacles)
Chest Exercise – Knuckle Pushups (proper form, 7 vertical, 7 horizontal)
Staying Away (group activity, scanning, randomly aggress towards any other student, {guard up, command, <escape safely>}, return to neutral)
Engaging (student a aggresses, {guard up, grab, <pulling/pressing opponent>, escaping}, alternating)
Leg Exercise – Squats (8 normal, 8 wide, 8 superwide)
Long Range Hands – air, shields (open hand/closed hand, jab/cross, inward/outward, upward/downward)
Long Range Feet – air, shields (fk, sk, rk)
Forearm Exercise – Grippers (50 forward, 50 up at an angle, 50 out)
Street Fighting
Discussion – Awareness and Attitude (open the senses, environmental awareness, head on a swivel, aggressive posture, be proactive, overreact <projecting aggression>)
Spontaneous Activities
Ambush Defense – Sensing (circle opponent making noise, {eyes closed, listening and facing opponent})( face opponent and alternate between passive and aggressive stance, {guard up/fighting stance in response, return to neutral})(<project aggression, {eyes open, sense aggression}>)
Ambush Defense – Hard Reactions (flinch to cover, push away, guard up/fighting stance, step off line of attack and face opponent)
Ambush Defense – Dynamic Practice (grapples and strikes, kiai before striking, slow to medium speed, {eyes closed, open eyes in response to kiai/touch contact, cover/face/escape, <counter>}, alternating)

--Neutral Bow as a Weapon--
Warm Up
Stretch (legs and torso)
Using the Guard – Concepts (wedge guard, hi/low, neutral position, targeting)
Using the Guard – Dynamic (defending against slaps, inward/outward, hi/low, reaction drill with partner jab/cross to open hand before partner pulls away)
Chest Exercise – Wall Pushups (10 repetitions, lower angle, 10 repetitions)
Knee Checking (inside/outside foot position, striking knee checks alternating with an opponent <and pressing>, collapsing with the knee check, <setting the sweep>)
Gliding in the Stance (foot maneuvers, switching and lateral movement, setting the base <stomping>, picking up the feet and putting them down (feints, strikes, moving around obstacles))
Core Exercise – Abdominals (15 normal crunch, 15 each side crunch, total 45 repetitions)
360 Degree Striking – Air, Pads, Body (hands, feet, both, facing 12 and striking all directions, turning and facing as you strike, moving targets, <multiple opponents, dynamic, defending and countering>)
Calf Exercise – Toe Raises (against the wall, one minute)
Street Fighting
Short Range Hands – Shields (elbows, claws and palms, punching from the wrist)
Short Range Feet – Body (knees, stomps, low line kicking)
Spontaneous Activities
Long Range No Contact (mirroring, evasion)
Long Range Contact (push hands, sticky hands)
Short Range Contact (pummeling, holding inside/outside position, taking the back)
Short Range No Contact (can't touch this, slow moving evasion)

--Stand Up Grappling--
Warm Up
Stretch (shoulders and wrists)
Evasion (close range, long range, club evasion)
Blocks from a Fighting Stance (in place, circling)
Leg Exercise – Deep Lunges (down the floor line drill style, 2 sets)
Cover Hi/Low (with a partner, moving)
            Defending Against the Wall (cover, block, iron crane)
Jamming (grabbing the opponent's arms, jamming with straight punches and kicks to opponent's hips and shoulders, pressing the opponent away <and following> from front and rear)
Forearm Exercise – Downward Claws (countergrab to claw from a horse stance, 30 repetitions)
Horizontal Cross Body Checks (defending punches and pressing opponent back, <off hand striking>)
Body Slams (shields, body, jamming circular strikes gentle/hard)
Lower Back Exercise – Swimmers (switching, increase speed, hold up)
Street Fighting
One Hand Grabs (straight and cross grabs, wrists, clothes, hair)
Two Hand Grabs (wrist, lapel, throat)
5 Basic Holds (wrist and, waist, straight and cross shoulder, over and under shoulder)
Basic Bearhugs (4 sides, arms in and out, hi/low holds)
Spontaneous Activities
Defensive Holds (defending pushes with bearhugs, full arm holds to the inside/outside, defensive head positions)
Flowing from Jamming Strikes to Defensive Holds (teep to bearhug, palm strikes to arm drag)
Jamming the Draw (grabbing and pressing the opponent's arms to his side before he can either strike or engage a weapon)

--Striking and Escaping--
Warm Up
Stretch (core and hips)
Angle Stepping (up triangle, down triangle, hourglass, same patterns sideways, jenga, pivot stepping)
Changing Ranges (forward and back with foot maneuvers, adding clearing strikes)
Upper Back Exercise – Dead Lifts (leaning over prone opponent, grab lapels, lift with back)
Circling the Opponent (lateral stepping, switching stances, deceptive movement, {watch the opponent's hips})
Escaping the Engagement (coverouts, backing away from an opponent with blocks (line drill style), <holding a person in front of you as a shield>)
Quadriceps Exercise – Natural Stance to Close Kneel (down and up both sides, 10 repetitions)
Long Range Combinations – Air, Shields (feet, hands, both, double tapping)
Short Range Combinations – Body (holding the opponent with one hand and striking with the other, hunter/prey, competitive, pummeling with strikes, two arms pivoting)
Core Exercise – Abdominals (15 diamond crunches, 15 extended leg lifts, 15 in and outs)
Street Fighting
Head Control (grabbing the head by the (face, hair, ears), dipping the opponent's shoulder and turning the opponent)
Clinch Position (one and two arms, controlling opponent)
Holding and Hitting Short Range (dirty boxing, rabbit punching, stomps, head strikes)
Spontaneous Activities
Long Range Grappling (hand wrestling, sticky hands, wrist control for pull down checks)
Grabbing and Striking Long Range (grabbing opponent from long range and holding for strikes, catching punches and kicks <pulling in>, holding and striking limbs)
            Kicking the Legs (slow, light contact, front kicks <side kicks>, by category of attack)

--Changing Ranges and Defensive Actions--
Warm Up
Stretch (legs and shoulders)
Getting Behind the Opponent (stepping around, grappling for rear position)
Fighting Near a Wall (covering and blocking, breaking out and countering on command)
Core Exercise – Walking in Plank Position (down the floor, 2 sets)
Striking with Angle Stepping – Air (hands, feet, combinations)
Defending Against 6 o'clock Opponent (using mirrors, strikes and grapples facing away)
Forearm Exercise – Fist Wringing (arms extended, fists rocking up and down, both sides counts as 1, 100 repetitions)
Standing Holds (nelson, chicken wing, hammerlock, walking, dynamic)
Pinning the Opponent to the Ground (knee on stomach walking, grabbing the legs, <dragging and rolling the opponent>)
Stop Kicks (hip girdle, inside of thigh, teep/fk, sk, rk)
Lower Back Exercise – Back Bridge Presses (upside down, hands or elbows, lifting hips up, 10 repetitions)
Street Fighting
Putting Opponent on Ground (in place sweep, pushing and pulling opponent down, clinch takedowns)
Distracting Attacks (slaps, throttles, yells)
Spontaneous Activities
Inside Evasion (slips, parries, head bobs, close range defensive contouring to push off strikes)
Fighting to Escape (disengaging with blocks and evasion, creating space, stepping away)

--Hurting the Opponent--
Warm Up
Stretch (back and arms)
Piston Striking – Air, Shields (same weapon repeatedly, changing targets, circling)
Core Exercise – Crocodile Walking (plank position, same side hand and foot forward, down the floor, 2 sets)
Machine Gun Striking – Air, Shields (switching hands, switching weapons, pressing front and rear (hips and shoulders))
Maneuvering Around Multiple Opponents (grouping, separating, lining, <with strikes>)
Chest Exercise – One Arm Wall Pushups (5 each side, slow)
Interactive Grabs (hand to hand, arms and clothes, both practitioners, competitive)
Sticky Hands (long range, circling, with kicks and strikes)
Plyometric Exercise – Superstars (10 repetitions)
Street Fighting
Vulnerable Targets (joints, organs, nerves)
Lifts and Drops (bearhugs, bouncer's exit, double leg lift)
Joint Attacks (strikes, hard locks)
Spontaneous Activities
Tiger in the Cage (by category of attack)
Hunter/Prey (striking, grappling, {escaping})
3 Hit Kenpo (back and forth static, seizing lead dynamic)

--Street Applications--
Warm Up
Stretch (hips and back)
Shadowboxing (strikes and grapples)
3 Hit Kenpo (slow speed/touch contact, medium speed/light contact)
Chest Exercise – Pushups (one minute, free grip)
Long Range Evasion (slow to medium speed, hands and feet)
Hunter/Prey – Long Range Striking (slow to medium speed, hands and feet)
Lock Flow Drill (alternating locks, increasing intensity)
Core Exercise – Abdominals (one minute, free form)
Hunter/Prey – Short Range Grappling (slow to medium speed, escaping and evading without losing contact with the opponent)
3 Hit Kenpo (medium speed/light contact, hands and feet, grapples)
Lower Back Exercise – Swimmers (one minute, any speed)
Street Fighting
Poison Hands (biting, pinching, finger strikes, sound attacks)
Chokes and Strangulations (front and rear, to takedown)
Human Shields (holding one opponent to defend against another, <and choking>)
Spontaneous Activities
3 Hit Kenpo (medium speed, seizing lead dynamic, <poison hands>)
Tiger in The Cage (spontaneous attackers one at a time, keeping human shields and throwing them off, medium speed)

--Street Spontaneous--
Warm Up
Stretch (torso and knees)
Shadowboxing (strikes and grapples)
3 Hit Kenpo (slow speed/touch contact, medium speed/light contact)
Core Exercise – Bear Crawls (down the floor, 2 sets)
Long Range Evasion (slow to medium speed, hands and feet)
Hunter/Prey – Long Range Striking (slow to medium speed, hands and feet)
Lock Flow Drill (alternating locks, increasing intensity)
Leg Exercise – Squats and Lunges (lunge, 3 squats, down the floor, 2 sets)
Hunter/Prey – Short Range Grappling (slow to medium speed, escaping and evading without losing contact with the opponent)
3 Hit Kenpo (medium speed/light contact, hands and feet, grapples)
Forearm Exercise – Grippers (50 forward, 50 up at an angle, 50 out)
Street Fighting
            Using Checks to Cancel Zones (height, width, depth, maintaining obscure zones)
Tensing the Body (circling a static partner striking light contact to torso, {sense, tense, and brace against strikes}, alternating, <throat, jaw, eyes>)
Hard Takedowns (dragdown slams, throws)
Spontaneous Activities
Free Combat (slow to medium speed, all ranges and techniques, rotating partners)


Warm Up
Stretch (hips + shoulders)
Basic Boxing From a Fighting Stance – Air (jab, cross, hook, uppercut, hi/low, combinations)
Basic Boxing Strikes and Defenses – Pads (strikes/cover/bob + weave, partner holding and attacking with pads, continuous striking/burst striking)
Open Hand Strikes and Blocks – Partner (h/p, sparring style)
Short Range Striking – Body (holding and hitting, targets and double tapping, static/dynamic)
Elbow Sparring – Partner (dynamic, elbow strikes and blocks)
Self Defense Concepts
Visualization and Commitment (planning and moral decisions)
Environmental Awareness (seeing what's there, looking for what's out of place, noticing red flags)
Types of Violent Encounters (random/targeted, intent and circumstances, social/anti-social violence, aggressive people versus violent predators)
Spontaneous Activities
Gear Up
Upper Body Sparring (continuous, light contact, h/p, <dynamic>)
Defenses Against Combination Punches (line drill, {escape with defenses/wait for opening/enter/counter/control/finish, alternate})

Warm Up
Stretch (knees and ankles)
Low Line Kicks – Air (fk, sk, rhk)
Short Range Kicks – Body (knees, stomps, uhhk)
Point Kicks – Bag (fk, rhk, ohhk)
Power Kicks – Shields (stk, rk, rhk(mt))
Kicking a Downed Opponent – Partner (control, chasing with kicks and stomps, {scrambling/circling/defending})
Chasing the Opponent with Kicks - :Line Drill (advancing with combinations, {retreating with defenses})
Self Defense Concepts
A List (|knowledge factor|, acceptance, attitude, awareness, avoidance, action)
Verbal De-Escalation (interrupting thought patterns, calming phrases, leaving an out)
Types of Violent People (desperate/sociopathic/emotional/insane/hormonal/drugged/stupid)
Spontaneous Activities
Gear Up
Lower Body Sparring (continuous, light contact, h/p, <dynamic, kicks to the legs>)
Defenses Against Combination Attacks (line drill, advancing with kicks and punches, {escape with defenses/wait for opening/enter/counter/control/finish, alternate})

--Knees and Elbows--
Warm Up
Stretch (backs of legs + backs of arms)
Elbow Set – Air (form, breathing, body alignment)
Elbow Strikes – Pads (accuracy, static/dynamic)
Elbow Strikes – Bag (speed, double tapping, compound striking)
Elbow Strikes – Shields (power, impact/thrusting)
Knee Strikes – Air (form, upward, outward, crossing, roundhouse)
Knee Strikes – Body (accuracy, static, targets [coccyx, groin, sciatic nerve, torso, face, side of jaw])
Knee Strikes – Line Drill (speed, step through knee strikes advancing with a clinched opponent holding a shield)
Knee Strikes – Shields (power, circling the opponent with knee strikes using grabs and holds)
Self Defense Concepts
Physiological Response to Stress (fight/flight/submit, adrenal dump, high heart rate effects)
Flinch Response (arms up to protect the head, flinching to guard positions)
Predatory Behavior (interview process, forced teaming, charm and niceness, too many details, typecasting, loan sharking, unsolicited promises, discounting the word “no”)
Spontaneous Activities
Trading Knees and Elbows (holding the partner and striking with knees and elbows, light contact, {covering and absorbing strikes/wait for opening/counter with knees and elbow strikes/establish dominance}, alternating continuous)
Sparring with Knees and Elbows (continuous, light contact, h/p, <add standing grappling>)

--Tackling and Controlling--
Warm Up
Stretch (knees + hips + back)
Falling (form, front/side/back)
Falling with an Opponent – Partner (falling backwards, falling forwards, opponent front and rear)
Sitting Tackles – Partner (double leg side shearing/forward driving, scrambling to top position)
Rising Tackles – Partner (double leg lifting, arm hook dragdown)
Standing Tackles – Partner (high bearhug tackle from 12, hard tackle around the shoulders from 6)
Launching Tackles – Partner (low/mid/high line tackles, form, spearing/wrapping)
Basing Out of Tackle Attempts – Partner (static/dynamic, increasing intensity, low/mid/high)
Sprawling – Partner (static/dynamic, base/scramble/turn the corner)
Self Defense Concepts
O.O.D.A. Loop ([observe, orient, decide, act], using and training it, interrupting the opponent's)
Reacting With the Appropriate Level of Intensity (identifying context, force continuum)
Adult Bullying (using violence and intimidation to coerce behavior for compliance with rules/enforcement of hierarchy/sexual gratification/emotional distress)
Spontaneous Activities
Circle of Tackles (group activity, randori style, group circling, random entries and tackles one at a time, {evade/base/sprawl/counter strike/control/disengage})
Hunter/Prey Takedown Defense (sparring style, one student working to takedown, the other defending and striking, controlled contact)

--Poison Hands--
Warm Up
Stretch (neck + shoulders)
Biting – Air (biting straight down, grinding the teeth side to side, lightly biting down on own arm and hand)
Pinching – Body (finger pinch/full hand pinch, twisting, targets [soft tissue, inside limbs, genitals])
Scraping – Body (frictional burns (indian burns, gi burns), scraping with the nails, scraping with the side of the foot, scraping with the handsword)
Grinding – Body (with the knuckles, with the hammerfist, with the foot, with the palm of the hand, targets [crown, face, ribs, groin, sciatic, top of foot])
Boxing – Body (cupping the ears, tearing at the ears, invading the ears)
Blinding – Body (covering the eyes, striking the eyes, throwing particulate into the eyes, digging out the eyes with the fingers)
Covering the Mouth and Nose – Body (with the hand/arm/chest/weapon, holding the hand over the face standing/prone, manipulating the head with face control)
Self Defense Concepts
Medical Implications of Strikes (impact damage, organ failure, knock outs)
Medical Implications of Grapples (hard grappling, joint destruction, pass outs)
Pathogens and Blood Diseases (hiv, hep b, hep c, syphilis, bacterial sepsis |importance of seeking medical attention|)
Spontaneous Activities
Stand Up Fighting (sparring style, only poison hands techniques, h/p, <dynamic>)
Ground Fighting (sparring style, only poison hands techniques, h/p, <dynamic>)

--Impact Weapons--
Warm Up
Stretch (shoulders + elbows)
What is an Impact Weapon (3rd class lever, space and acceleration, area of striking surface/total applied force)
Holding the Weapon (forward, hammer/sabre)
Difference Between Sticks and Clubs (purpose, delivery, design)
Striking with the Club – Air (slashes and thrusts from a fighting stance)
Advancing with the Club – Line Drill (advancing with slashes and thrusts against a retreating opponent holding a shield)
Basic Disarms – Body (striking, stripping, encircling)
Smothering the Weapon Arm – Partner (advance with strikes, {evade/wait for opportunity/enter/grab weapon arm/control/disarm}, alternate)
Self Defense Concepts
Legalities of Self Defense (defending yourself, defending others, incident reporting)
When to Arm Yourself (weapons as force multipliers, environmental weapons, legalities of weapon use)
Psychological Results of Trauma (long lasting effects of being exposed to violence, P.T.S.D., when to overcome fear or seek psychological help)
Spontaneous Activities
Jamming the Brandish (club in hand, raise to high position, {step in and jam/control weapon arm}, repeat)
Club Defense (sparring style, h/p, evade/counter/finish)

--Blade and Point Weapons--
Warm Up
Stretch (knees + wrists)
What is a Bladed/Pointed Weapon (diagram of knife, blade awareness, contact and friction, psychology of slashes/thrusts, knives all around)
Difference Between Bladed and Pointed Weapons (methods of execution, targets, angles of delivery)
Holding the Weapon (forward, hammer/sabre, lead hand/rear hand)
Striking with the Weapon – Air (slashes and thrusts, pummeling)
Advancing with the Weapon – Line Drill (chasing a retreating opponent with slashes and thrusts, {escaping and evading in max protect positions})
Smothering the Weapon Arm – Partner (evading and entering, controlling to takedowns, <grabbing the blade>, increasing speed and intensity)
Surviving Ambush Attacks – Partner ({looking away}, approach from behind/begin pummeling strikes, {turn/cover/escape, <turn/cover/engage>)
Disarms – Body (striking, peeling, locking)
Self Defense Concepts
Medical Implications of Slashes and Thrusts (cuts versus puncture wounds, bleeding out versus organ failure versus sepsis)
Armed Versus Unarmed Opponents (common scenarios and ranges, when defense becomes assault)
Spontaneous Activities
Knife Dueling (knife on knife, sparring style, starting at long range with the weapon out, slash loses a limb/thrust is dead)
Knife Defense (knife on hand, sparring style, starting at close range with the weapon out, keep fighting through slashes/thrusts until opponent is overwhelmed through control or finish)

--Projectile Weapons--
Warm Up
Stretch (ankles + knees)
What is a Projectile Weapon (fired or thrown, mechanical or chemical force, barrel direction, common examples)
Difference Between Fired or Thrown Projectiles (accuracy, speed, power, direction, intention)
Throwing Objects as Weapons – Bag (light weight projectiles simulating possible environmental weapons [mugs, magazines, shoes], accuracy and perceptual speed/execution speed)
Smothering the Weapon Arm – Partner (evading and entering, controlling to takedowns, barrel direction, <opponent pulls away and attempts to BANG before control is established, grabbing the slide>)
Encountering Range for Projectile Weapons – Partner (inside two feet distract and engage/two to five feet delay and maneuver/outside five distract and escape)
Surviving Ambush Attacks – Partner ({eyes closed}, approach from in front or behind, draw and point, {step off line/engage/control}, <add BANG>, increase intensity)
Disarms – Body (pressing, folding, stripping)
Self Defense Concepts
Firearm Safety (barrel control, responsibilities of safe storage, importance of proper training)
When to Throw the Weapon (how, when, why, where)
Spontaneous Activities
Grappling for the Weapon (standing/prone, begin inside grappling range, establish weapon control and fire)
Defending Against Projectile Weapons (technique line, realistic attacks, watch range/respond/finish)

--Street Clothes Training--
Warm Up
Stretch (quads + triceps)
Shadowboxing – Air (kicks/punches/grapples/all)
Long and Short Range Strikes – Shield (kicks/punches/both)
Self Defense Techniques – Body (running lists with partner, suffix with takedowns)
3 Hit Kenpo – Partner (light contact, strike, {defend/counter/counter/counter}, defend/counter/counter/counter, alternating, <seizing lead dynamic>)
Defending From the Ground – Partner (attacking with kicks/stomps/strikes/grapples, {evade/circle/defend/takedown/stand up})
Spontaneous Self Defense – Line Drill (technique lines, by category of attack, suffix with finishing move)
Self Defense Concepts
Restrictive Clothing (picking out a wardrobe, checking for range of motion/ease of movement/stability and mobility)
How Clothes Send Signals (avoiding/drawing attention, understanding appropriate social dress, wearing “colors”)
Spontaneous Activities
Stand Up Fighting (sparring style, street targets)
Ground Fighting (dynamic, striking and grappling)
Full Combat (all ranges, light contact, to dominance)